Kids Near Water formed in the year 2000.. in the year two-thousaaaand.. *ahem*; Exeter, England. They first carried themselves as
Young Church, but decided on a name change before releasing demos to various people, labels, etc. They were only around for 5 years, and in that five years they released two glorious albums. Their dissolution stunned the local scene, mainly because of the constant positive feedback & reviews -- apparently not enough to keep them together (probably musical differences led to their breakup).
Their music is a nice blend of post-hardcore & emo, and their albums display that rather nicely. I recently got into them via a friend of mine, and I'm very glad I did! Go ahead, give them a listen, you know you want to.. it's calling your name. ..really. ...okay, fine, please? ;-;
The members of this band were Brian (vocals/guitar), John (bass), Nik (drums), and Simon (guitar/vocals).
Where Are They Now?
According to most sources, they are nowhere at all. They apparently dropped out of the music scene! How dare they. Now, I don't know if I believe this (once a musician always a musician), so if you know anything about them.. do let me know.