Saturday, January 16, 2010

Burn Her Letters

Burn Her Letters is a screamo band from Eskiseher, Turkey. They formed in 2006, and share their music freely. That's right, they're one of those awesome bands who exist for music & music alone. Their MySpace is not in English, so.. I can't tell you anything about them. I've only heard one song, but I got all their material, because I really loved that one song; I tend to do that a lot. I'm sharing the experience with you! :D

The band consists of Mutlu, Umut, Omercan, and Gokhan. Don't know who plays what, but.. fskljaf.

What Are They Up To?
Recording & performing (it seems like). Their newest album was released last year. Congrats on lasting for longer than 3 years, boys!

Also, this band is very generous. All of their music is free, but you can buy it as well. I think it's bands like these who make the music world a better place. All of these download links will direct to their own pages.


  1. hi. great! but only path works. can you upload other three to mediafire? i ll be around. thanks
